Flying Aces
Designing new futures in travel is a brave endeavor. We need your experience, expertise, and perspective to help make better products, services, and experiences.
Join our crew
Our Flying Aces program gives Teague designers and strategists essential access to the people who will actually use the products, services, and experiences we're designing for the future. Flying Aces are experts at the frontlines of the commercial aviation industry—including pilots, flight attendants, passengers, and maintenance and operations professionals—who are pre-screened to participate in design research. Insights from the Flying Aces contribute to making the world of commercial aviation a better place, one experience at a time.
As a Flying Ace, you might be asked to participate in early product testing, take surveys, be interviewed one-on-one, or share your opinions in focus groups. Some of these opportunities might be in person, but most are online. Sharing your thoughts and experiences with us will help us understand what matters to you most.
How and when you participate is completely up to you. If you're a match for one of our studies, we'll contact you to share all the details, including the compensation being offered. Once you have the information, you can decide whether or not to participate. It’s that simple!
We’re here to help! Reach out to us at flyingaces@teague.com and a member of our research team will get back to you as quickly as possible.